Poznámky a odložené URL
22.11.2010 18:01:28 ( 43053 )
22.11.2010 12:04:21 ( 43041 )
pořad o bigbosi v OL
pořad o bigboši v OL
pořad o bigboši v OL
22.11.2010 08:45:33 ( 43031 )
Play for change: Stand by me
21.11.2010 21:58:52 ( 43030 )
Dnes temer pred rozpadem.
20.11.2010 18:26:34 ( 43021 )
20.11.2010 01:50:10 ( 43020 )
19.11.2010 20:18:07 ( 43018 )
18.11.2010 17:56:53 ( 42983 )
Ahoj, zajímáš se o módu,hudbu a kosmetiku? navštiv můj blog, všechno tam najdeš!
18.11.2010 14:34:48 ( 42961 )
16.11.2010 12:30:39 ( 42904 )
15.11.2010 17:54:32 ( 42891 )
compatibility list plati i pro 7
14.11.2010 23:29:42 ( 42870 )
14.11.2010 23:28:56 ( 42869 )
12.11.2010 13:38:57 ( 42853 )
12.11.2010 10:11:13 ( 42846 )
2kutac: jsem ted nedavno videl nejakou podobne vtipnou hlasku,ale uz nevim kde...
Kazdopadne dobre :-D
Kazdopadne dobre :-D
12.11.2010 10:09:42 ( 42845 )
12.11.2010 09:56:12 ( 42844 )
Komentar ke clanku o nove serii Red Dwarf:
"Pokud jste jeste nevideli Back to Earth, tak doporucuji to nezkouset. Je to jako kdybyste nasli vasi nevinnou lasku z 8. tridy na srazu KSCM."
"Pokud jste jeste nevideli Back to Earth, tak doporucuji to nezkouset. Je to jako kdybyste nasli vasi nevinnou lasku z 8. tridy na srazu KSCM."
11.11.2010 19:13:07 ( 42826 )
[1] v4l2_next: VIDIOC_QBUF: No such device
[1] Video device fatal error - terminating camera thread
[1] Thread exiting
[1] Somebody stole the video device, lets hope we got his picture: No such device
[0] Motion terminating
[1] v4l2_next: VIDIOC_QBUF: No such device
[1] Video device fatal error - terminating camera thread
[1] Thread exiting
[1] Somebody stole the video device, lets hope we got his picture: No such device
[0] Motion terminating
11.11.2010 18:44:01 ( 42820 )
11.11.2010 15:56:08 ( 42819 )
11.11.2010 14:15:38 ( 42814 )
10.11.2010 21:38:57 ( 42785 )
How do I use USB cameras when USB cables can only be maximum 5 m?
Use a USB extender. They exists in different flavours. The simple ones are like a 1 port hub powered through the USB cable. Each extender allows additional 5 m of cable and you can put at 2-4 in series giving a total of 15-25 m. Examples http://www.sandberg.it/worldwide/prod.asp?prod=133-17 and http://www.sandberg.it/worldwide/prod.asp?prod=133-28.
A new type has been introduced recently called a CAT5 USB Extender. Using standard CAT5/5e/6 network cable, the CAT5 USB Extender allows the distance between a USB device and a host computer to be extended by up to 50m. It consists of a local unit with a USB Type A Male (host computer side) and a remote unit (device side) with a built-in USB Type A Female connector. A low cost network patch cable is required to connect the two units together.
An example supplier (I have no knowledge about this particular supplier): http://www.lindy.com/uk/productfolder/04/42801/index.php#longDesc
-- ChrisHeap - 22 May 2005 You could try http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/endecaSearch/partDetail.jsp?SKU=CS11725 although unbranded they are approx 35 GBP ( I have bought 2 and they work very well for me) I use UTP CAT 5 cable over approx 40 metres with ToUcam Pro to an outbuilding and it ran with motion for 100 days+. The only problem I have had was a nearby lightning strike causing a lockup which necessitated a restart.
If you are large of bravery and small of wallet you can also try a plain USB extension cable such as:
I (WillCooke) am using a combination of these and the USB extender detailed above, with two 3M cables (so 6M) in between the computer and the extender and my cameras are working at a length of 11M using only 1 proper extender. You might also try putting a USB mini-hub at the end of the plain extension cables in place of the USB extender. They serve the same purpose and are often lower cost. This is not supposed to work, but it does for me. Your milage may vary.
Make sure you use shielded cable. I (I'm JorgenVanDerVelde) once had 5m USB connection consisting of two cables, one 4m and 1m. Every once in a when I switched on the TL light, my camera software (Motion of coarse) crashed. Another cam using 8 m cable was not influenced at all. The 1 m segment did appeared not to be shielded. You can check: take the cable out, measure the resistance (using a multimeter or a battery and a lightbulb) between the both connectors (the metal casings that is): if there is no connection between the casings, your cable definitely is not shielded.
Use a USB extender. They exists in different flavours. The simple ones are like a 1 port hub powered through the USB cable. Each extender allows additional 5 m of cable and you can put at 2-4 in series giving a total of 15-25 m. Examples http://www.sandberg.it/worldwide/prod.asp?prod=133-17 and http://www.sandberg.it/worldwide/prod.asp?prod=133-28.
A new type has been introduced recently called a CAT5 USB Extender. Using standard CAT5/5e/6 network cable, the CAT5 USB Extender allows the distance between a USB device and a host computer to be extended by up to 50m. It consists of a local unit with a USB Type A Male (host computer side) and a remote unit (device side) with a built-in USB Type A Female connector. A low cost network patch cable is required to connect the two units together.
An example supplier (I have no knowledge about this particular supplier): http://www.lindy.com/uk/productfolder/04/42801/index.php#longDesc
-- ChrisHeap - 22 May 2005 You could try http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/endecaSearch/partDetail.jsp?SKU=CS11725 although unbranded they are approx 35 GBP ( I have bought 2 and they work very well for me) I use UTP CAT 5 cable over approx 40 metres with ToUcam Pro to an outbuilding and it ran with motion for 100 days+. The only problem I have had was a nearby lightning strike causing a lockup which necessitated a restart.
If you are large of bravery and small of wallet you can also try a plain USB extension cable such as:
I (WillCooke) am using a combination of these and the USB extender detailed above, with two 3M cables (so 6M) in between the computer and the extender and my cameras are working at a length of 11M using only 1 proper extender. You might also try putting a USB mini-hub at the end of the plain extension cables in place of the USB extender. They serve the same purpose and are often lower cost. This is not supposed to work, but it does for me. Your milage may vary.
Make sure you use shielded cable. I (I'm JorgenVanDerVelde) once had 5m USB connection consisting of two cables, one 4m and 1m. Every once in a when I switched on the TL light, my camera software (Motion of coarse) crashed. Another cam using 8 m cable was not influenced at all. The 1 m segment did appeared not to be shielded. You can check: take the cable out, measure the resistance (using a multimeter or a battery and a lightbulb) between the both connectors (the metal casings that is): if there is no connection between the casings, your cable definitely is not shielded.
10.11.2010 20:56:22 ( 42784 )
Zřejmě instalace aktualizace (KB971033) . Taky jsem tuhle ,,vychytávku,, stáhnul , ale řešil jsem to odebráním aktualizace , které ve win7 funguje .
Postup: ovládací panely - windows update - zobrazit historii aktualizací - nainstalované aktualizace - odinstalovat aktualizaci a HLAVNĚ NENECHÁVAT AUTOMATICKOU INSTALACI AKTUALIZACÍ .
Postup: ovládací panely - windows update - zobrazit historii aktualizací - nainstalované aktualizace - odinstalovat aktualizaci a HLAVNĚ NENECHÁVAT AUTOMATICKOU INSTALACI AKTUALIZACÍ .
10.11.2010 12:19:34 ( 42774 )
Zachranit tu velrybu ne
10.11.2010 12:05:49 ( 42769 )
Kurnik šuplik, proč mě furt stavíte do role vnucovače názorů. Já nikomu nic nevnucuju. Pouze raguju na příspěvky o kterých si myslím něco jiného. Copak jsem někoho někam přivázal a řekl: "Dokud ti nevnutím můj názor, nepudeš domů!" Ne, akurát se snažím nesouhlasit, když nesouhlasím a souhlasit, když souhlasím.
Např nyní:
Willy, v těchto ohledech ti věřím a naprosto s tebou souhlasím, protže vím, že v tom máš jasno. A zelené duhy jsou jeno ekovyděrači, kterým jde zase jen o love. Tedy těm nahoře. Ti dole ani většinou moc neví o co jim de...
Např nyní:
Willy, v těchto ohledech ti věřím a naprosto s tebou souhlasím, protže vím, že v tom máš jasno. A zelené duhy jsou jeno ekovyděrači, kterým jde zase jen o love. Tedy těm nahoře. Ti dole ani většinou moc neví o co jim de...
09.11.2010 18:05:09 ( 42749 )
Zde je vedecky dokazano ze co se tyka energetiky je hnuti duha uplne mimo.
Uvedeny server doporucuji ulozit do oblibenych a pravidelne sledovat. kdyz uz mam nekomu vnucovat svoje nazory, ale kadak urcite promine ;)
Uvedeny server doporucuji ulozit do oblibenych a pravidelne sledovat. kdyz uz mam nekomu vnucovat svoje nazory, ale kadak urcite promine ;)
09.11.2010 12:50:35 ( 42740 )
Úřední hodiny pracovišť magistrátu:
Pondělí: 8 - 12 / 13 - 17
Úterý: 8 - 12 / 13 - 15,30
Středa: 8 - 12 / 13 - 17
Čtvrtek: 8 - 12 / 13 - 15,30
Pondělí: 8 - 12 / 13 - 17
Úterý: 8 - 12 / 13 - 15,30
Středa: 8 - 12 / 13 - 17
Čtvrtek: 8 - 12 / 13 - 15,30
09.11.2010 06:31:17 ( 42720 )
08.11.2010 09:59:17 ( 42693 )
06.11.2010 12:34:58 ( 42668 )
vysledek hledani neceho uplne jineho, ale pobavilo...
Po | Ut | St | Ct | Pa | So | Ne |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 01 | 02 | 03 |
04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 01 |