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21.08.2015 12:55:27    ( 90054 )
19.08.2015 14:42:18    ( 90041 )
18.08.2015 10:05:45    ( 90029 )
2deus: to ber!

... musis pak delat fotoreporty z te cesty ;-)
17.08.2015 11:41:37    ( 90022 )
14.08.2015 11:23:48    ( 90011 )
14.08.2015 10:59:50    ( 90010 )
10.08.2015 11:50:03    ( 89947 )
07.08.2015 14:10:18    ( 89934 )
Divizni komisar Borowitz
07.08.2015 10:03:00    ( 89929 )
07.08.2015 09:38:18    ( 89928 )
Vykopat, tralala, pověsit, tralala.
07.08.2015 09:09:34    ( 89927 )
07.08.2015 08:26:37    ( 89926 )
06.08.2015 10:23:04    ( 89916 )
Divizni komisar Borowitz
05.08.2015 08:52:34    ( 89895 )
2KAD: Je to docela kocka. Rad bych se podival jak "skace na tyci."
Divizni komisar Borowitz
05.08.2015 08:51:11    ( 89894 )
05.08.2015 08:12:54    ( 89893 )
Na srpnovém nebi bude 13. srpna zářit meteorický roj Perseidy. V osm hodin ráno dosáhne maxima, ?vylétávat" bude až sto meteorů za hodinu. Zájemcům stačí jen deka, kterou rozloží na louce noc před nebo noc po, a mohou meteority pozorovat.

Zdroj: http://www.denik.cz/z_domova/okenko_pe15_0408-flsl.html
03.08.2015 23:43:17    ( 89864 )
03.08.2015 15:28:45    ( 89858 )

Aljona je ruská pole jumper, nikoli pole dancer!
Divizni komisar Borowitz
03.08.2015 13:49:04    ( 89855 )
mam okamzite chut zjistit, kdo to ta Alena je. Na druhou stranu mam trochu strach se o to pokouset v praci.
Divizni komisar Borowitz
03.08.2015 13:48:18    ( 89854 )
02.08.2015 16:15:15    ( 89846 )
alena lutkovskaya
30.07.2015 03:42:11    ( 89825 )
Jo Jo, moc jsme se s Andym (majitel) zasmali, on na to ze bordel je o dva baraky dal a za cumendu tam lidi platí....:-D
29.07.2015 19:55:15    ( 89824 )
28.07.2015 21:07:16    ( 89813 )
2deus: Kura to je hostel! tam by se mi libilo. Zrejme nic pro citlivky :-D
28.07.2015 19:40:17    ( 89812 )
28.07.2015 16:15:09    ( 89809 )
28.07.2015 10:01:27    ( 89800 )
no a to mě vedlo k tomu se podívat na tvůj blog a je tam opravdu mrtvo :/ A to od 4.4., tudíž už jsi asi na psaní rezignoval - a to je škoda.
28.07.2015 09:35:52    ( 89798 )
Dear Manager,

I am writing to you this morning to draw your attention to the unexpected departure of two of your customers on the 25th morning (while we intented to stay 4 nights at your hostel).

The very positive comments which can be found in a couple of travelling websites did not match the reality we met while staying at your establishment.
The "warm family feeling" described turned out to be more of a "all night long partying" one, the comfortable and welcoming rooms seemed to have changed into a small promiscious ones, and your kitchen into a dumping ground.

I am willing to understand that the long termers play a big role into the feel of any hostel. If i am willing to admit you cannot predict the behaviour of your customers, i imagine that it is in your capacity to "suggest" to the ones causing disturbance to leave your premises. Having a responsable for the night who is reliable in making sure the rules set in your house are respected would also probably help.

If I understand BBH hostel are places to meet people and enjoy a couple of glass of wine and sharing experience, none of the many previous one we stayed at transformed into a borthel at night time.

Me and my sister left on the 25th morning after a sleepless night during which two of your long termers made out in the dorm we were staying in.

If i am willing to admit we should have left your establishment as soon as the first night during which the party in the corridor lasted until 2 am, I hope you would understand that the positive criticisms quoted above, made us hope the following nights would be of a different kind.

Your hostel is the 7th BBh hostel we stayed at, and we were definitely not expecting to have to deal with an unattended premise, guests getting pissed every night and having sex in dorms.

The number of potential guests looking for cheap accomodation in wellington probably guarantee you a good income, however you may need to consider that we were not the only disapointed guests during these couple of days, and that negative comments on travel website can accumulate pretty quick affecting both your booking rate and the atmosphere of your hostel.

We clearly stated the reason of our departure to the person in charge of the reception on the morning we left, I was expecting that we would have heard from you -the manager- by now, to offer an apology and a potential refund.

I am willing to imagine that the person at the reception did not communicate with you (being himself pissed and partying with the other guests), but i hope this email will reach you and find an answer.

Looking forward to hear from you,
27.07.2015 22:58:31    ( 89791 )
26.07.2015 22:10:45    ( 89775 )
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