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23.07.2010 15:39:56    ( 40245 )
to sem si objednal ja, uz se na to tesim..nostalgie jak cyp. az dnes jsem zjistil, ze to bylo tocene v KLDR, takze to je beztak cele TKD :-P
23.07.2010 14:32:35    ( 40241 )
Kde sis valil klacek? Pětkrát mezi sušákama na prádlo?
23.07.2010 13:53:58    ( 40240 )
Ach Ondro, to jsem viděl snad 5x a pak lítal po dvorku s klackem a valil do sučáků na prádlo :-)
23.07.2010 13:23:23    ( 40239 )
23.07.2010 10:45:34    ( 40231 )
jo tak to jo, oni pani bazarnici dovedou uplna kouzla...
23.07.2010 08:35:11    ( 40218 )

No po třech letech se mi to moc nezdálo (tak moc orezlé), ale hlavní důvod proč to nechci je, že to stojí zhruba o třicet talířů méně než jiné srovnatelné vozy na trhu a vyměnilo to za jeden půlrok v ČR tři majitele, přičemž manželka bazarníka, která to koupila naposledy to ani nestihla přihlásit. Navíc ji prý ani u procesu koupě/prodeje nepotřebuju, zúřaduje to pan bazarník sám,...
22.07.2010 14:49:03    ( 40204 )
ventílek: jak mě kurva sere Sklik.
22.07.2010 10:19:02    ( 40199 )
22.07.2010 10:12:26    ( 40198 )
budu hadat, jsi to nechtel protoze to bylo rezave jo?
21.07.2010 15:28:46    ( 40183 )
Ty vole Gappak, ty motory vapadají všude stejně,...

21.07.2010 07:44:01    ( 40157 )
Koroze asi jo, ale ty rucně zamotané izolačky, to je kurva maras. Samozřejmě nejhorší je to s tím nevyjasněným právně vlastnickým vlasníkem dle práva. Myslím ty tři majitele u nás během půl roku...
21.07.2010 07:35:47    ( 40156 )
Tak asi to tak bude...s tou korozi. Co by si chtel po turcich.
20.07.2010 23:18:56    ( 40154 )



Tohle sou fotky jineho auta,... Tak ti nevim,...
20.07.2010 22:42:14    ( 40152 )
20.07.2010 21:26:26    ( 40150 )
20.07.2010 16:19:05    ( 40148 )
20.07.2010 11:40:26    ( 40138 )
tak na tehle mape jsou i horske chaty
(pivo je nejlepsi na hrebenu)
20.07.2010 09:43:03    ( 40131 )
19.07.2010 14:25:09    ( 40123 )
18.07.2010 22:50:07    ( 40105 )
18.07.2010 22:33:29    ( 40104 )
18.07.2010 11:56:45    ( 40096 )
15.07.2010 21:02:13    ( 40077 )
15.07.2010 13:02:40    ( 40069 )

Mass Destruction

My dad came into my room holding his hat
I knew he was leaving,
he sat on my bed told me some facts, son.
I have a duty, calling on me
You and your sister be brave my little soldier
And don't forget all I told ya
Your the mister of the house now remember this
And when you wake up in the morning give ya momma a kiss
Then I had to say goodbye

In the morning woke momma with a kiss on each eyelid,
Even though I'm only a kid
Certain things can't be hid
Momma grabbed me
Held me like I was made of gold
But left her inner stories untold
I said, momma it will be alright
When daddy comes home, tonight

Whether long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1
Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruction
You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether Halliburton or Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction
We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
The skin under my chin is exploding again
I'm getting stress from some other children
I'm holding it in.
We taking sides like a politician
And if I get friction, we get to fighting
I defend my dad, he's the best of all men
And whatever he's doing, he's doing the right thing
It's frightening, but it makes me mad
Why do all these people seem to hate my dad
And if that aint enough now I got these spots
I go to sleep every night with my stomach in knots
And what's more, I can hear momma next door
Explore the radio for reports of war
And all we ever seem to do
Is hide the tears
Seem like daddy been gone for years
But he was right
Now I'm geared up for the fight
And he would be proud of me
If my daddy come home tonight
Listen me calmly

Whether long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1
Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruc
You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether Halliburton or Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction
We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

My story stops here, lets be clear
This scenario is happening everywhere
And you ain't going to nirvana or farvana
You're coming right back here to live out your karma
With even more drama than previously, seriously
Just how many centuries have we been
waiting for someone else to make us free
And we refuse to see
That people overseas suffer just like we
Bad leadership and ego's unfettered and free
Who feed one the people they're supposed to lead
I don't need good people to pray and wait
For the lord to make it all straight
There's only now, do it right.
Cos I don't want your daddy, leaving home tonight

13.07.2010 06:23:43    ( 39987 )
Armaflex AC 19x60
13.07.2010 00:33:09    ( 39984 )
12.07.2010 21:00:45    ( 39982 )
Mimochodem tahle skladba pro mne byla vyvrcholením večera. Normální duševní orgasmus... ...zadní LED projekce jen umocňovala sílu akustického mentálního dráždidla...

A tohle byla jen další předehra v řadě,...
(v tomto případě je potřeba vydržet a číst, jde to je to česky!)

12.07.2010 20:34:53    ( 39981 )
Marťo, to je starý dobrý Tricky a zpívá jeho tehdejší partnerka, Matina Topley-Bird, která momentálně spolupracuje s Massive Attack a v Praze na koncertě byla kolosální...

akurát to video je jakesik neorigi,...

Ale dobre,...
12.07.2010 19:43:22    ( 39980 )
Black Steel

I got a letter from the government
the other day
I opened and read it
it said they were suckers
they wanted me for army or whatever
picture me given' a damn - I said never.

Song ve stylu divci kapely z Kill Bill, super muzika a super text...
11.07.2010 14:58:08    ( 39952 )
October 2024