Poznámky a odložené URL
28.09.2022 10:16:28    ( 102617 )

Uz je to tady! Uz je to tady! :-)

Rally pico, rally pico - we-er-ce!!! :-D
26.07.2022 12:43:09    ( 102615 )
13.07.2022 14:47:44    ( 102614 )
08.07.2022 09:24:04    ( 102612 )
29.04.2022 07:04:35    ( 102609 )
28.04.2022 20:12:47    ( 102608 )
28.03.2022 10:04:29    ( 102607 )
26.02.2022 22:02:59    ( 102605 )
17.01.2022 23:10:47    ( 102600 )
15.01.2022 21:14:05    ( 102599 )
07.01.2022 18:36:36    ( 102598 )
26.12.2021 22:07:20    ( 102597 )
2kapis: musis byt prihlaseny.

26.12.2021 22:06:35    ( 102596 )
23.12.2021 10:27:57    ( 102595 )
jaktože nejde nahrát obrázek?
22.12.2021 15:28:15    ( 102594 )
22.12.2021 15:27:44    ( 102593 )
18.12.2021 14:01:04    ( 102592 )
02.11.2021 13:04:06    ( 102587 )
No nedavno jsem tu neco predelaval a omylem to pomerne slusne rozkundil :-o

nastesti mi kolegove vytahli zalohu, ale dumpy db nedelam a kdyz by se rozmrdal fs, tak to mozna dohromady nedam...

... tohle je potreba poresit! diky za navedeni ;)

Joo je to kus historie, obcas na me pri vyhladavani neceho vypadnou veci, ze se nestaci divit :-o

Dobrej je taky adresar s obrazy http://mrak.cz/media/uploads/forum/
29.10.2021 10:28:10    ( 102586 )
Ahoj Mraku!!!
Ja si to tady jen tak odlozil s tim ze s "novym zacatkem" (docela velka zmena prestehovani se) bych si mohl zacit psat de(bil)nicek...a nez stravit cas vytvarenim "blogisku" do kteryho pak stejne nic psat nebudu radsi neco napsat a odlozit si to sem...nikdy by me nenapadlo ze si to nekdo bude cist:-D (tim spis kdyz je to v "Czenglish":-D

Holyho a ssh nepouzivam, ale kdybych se mohl primluvit tak prosim tenhle web prosim drz pri zivote, rad na to financne prispeju pokud je potreba, protoze tady je kus historie. Pripadne pokud se nekdy rozhodnes to zariznout, poprosil bych o zalohu.

"Ty vole" tady jsou klenoty z dob kdy jsme byli decka (videno dnesni optikou;-)) a vetsina z vas uz ma vlastni decka co nejsou daleko od toho byt ve veku kdy jsme my, "stari fotri (a matky);-)" tohle zacali psat a tvorit....:-O
25.10.2021 14:00:25    ( 102585 )
24.10.2021 23:58:28    ( 102584 )
Hmmm, rad ctu ze porad zijes a ze jsi na nas zcela nezapomel. Kamo zivot s lidma to je casto dojeb, ale bez nich by to byla nuda. V kazdem pripade nenech se tim nasrat a bud nad veci ;)

PS: a zase neco napis!

>that's the way I like it: podcast in my ears and toilet scrubber in my hand)
Pobavilo :-D

PS3: budu rusit holyho v te podobe jak je. Do par tydnu bych ho chtel presunout na hosting. Weby a "ftp" by melo zustat. Pokud budes chtit ssh, zalozim ti novej ucet a prestehuju profil. Pouzivas to jeste?
24.10.2021 12:03:41    ( 102583 )
Sunday, October 24th
Got up at 8am, had avocado sandwiches (utilizing the last bit(e)s of the supplies I haven't moved out from the pantry yesterday), a cup of coffee and a ciggie on the balcony for breakfast. I was supposed to do the apartment at around 10am today and really wanted to give the car a bit of clean up, so I left early to get the job done at Lipman, as well as a bit of tidying up the car park. The "plan of the attack", as agreed on yesterday, has changed a little though - "I'm playing golf with my son today, we will postpone doing the apartment up for tomorrow" That left me with more time for both the car and the apartment (which I would have done by myself anyway - that's the way I like it: podcast in my ears and toilet scrubber in my hand)...and the car park. I had another plan for the Sunday afternoon I made last evening with my flatmate as well, but the change of "plan A" (which would sure have ended in drinking beers at Panhead and would've put my next steps at risk - I don't DUI..I mean - I don't like to..it's bad...DON'T DO IT!) made the next move more feasible.
I cleaned the car, the car park, and moved on to doing up the apartment. At half ten, when I got there, I had a nice coffee and a ciggie on the balcony first, then, while listening to some music (Touch&Go), the time passed by so fast and I was ready to shoot off to swap the car for the van shortly after the noon. I have enjoyed both the ride out of the town in the car and back in the van on this sunny beautiful day. I promised my flatmate to be back home between 2-3pm so I could load the rubbish (and a few bits of his stuff) in the van and take it to the landfill. When I got home at 1:30pm, he was still asleep. I moved the heaviest shit down the hill all by myself, cooked a dinner and packed up the rest of the stuff that had to go. Most of it was just bits and pieces that have been sitting here for years (literally). He then emerged out of his den at half past three saying he only had one bag to get rid off. I told him I need to leave in half an hour latest to beat the traffic and to get to the landfill before it closes. He was quite surprised that one has to pay for the dump at the landfill. I told him it could be somewere around $30-$40 (according to my last weekend's visit to the site) and asked him if he'd like to chip in for the matter. He said his bag (of shit) would be just marginal (meaning he couldn't see a need to participate). I told him they charge $20 bucks for 100kg of general rubbish, I forgot about the minimum $20 charge which was our case in the end anyway, but hey - it's not just my rubbish! And I'm doing all the work!
The TV (30kg by specs as I found online) that I carried down by myself and the queen-size mattress that has been here since we've moved in and that I carried down the hill all by myself too, made more than half of the total weigh of the load I took to the tip today. The fucking bag full of expired food (and five 1.5kg bags of flour I have never purchased) that was soo fucking heavy and that I carried down with a chair and another bag in my other hand... Anyway, I dumped the stuff - took me about 3 hours to get the van, carry most of the shit down by myself, drive it to the landfill - and came back. I paid $20 at the tip and put $10 worth of diesel in the van's tank. I had a chat with the inmate after (while cooking my dinner) about life and stuff. He never asked me about the charges. I don't give the least fuck about a few bucks, but this experience summes it all up for me. It's the fucking time to move on.

15.10.2021 12:49:08    ( 102582 )
do vyberu

Bankovní účet 107-2239260217/0100
IBAN CZ9601000001072239260217
Variabilní symbol 202113102
21.10.2021 12:03:26    ( 102581 )
cisco nexus 9300 nx qos buffer

ceph obs tcp src 6801 - 6825



show hardware qos ns-buffer-profile
show hardware internal buffer info pkt-stats mod 6 det
show hardware internal ns buffer info pkt-stats detail
show interface hardware-mappings

switch# attach module 2
module-2# show hardware internal tah buffer counters

show queuing interface eth 1/1
show queuing pfc-queue detail

show interface priority-flow-control
show policy-map interface e1/7


# inteligent buffer management na nx 93108-ex a 93180-ex

# ceph rdma


ECN flag CE code=11
tcpdump -c 10 -i eth0 '(ip and (ip[1] & 0x03) == 0x03)' -vvv
'tcp[13] & 0x40 == 0x40' ecn Echo
'tcp[13] & 0x80 == 0x80' ecn cwr

TOS a DSCP sdileni bitu
pro ceph: class:AF11 bity:001010 dec:10
11.10.2021 14:25:22    ( 102580 )
14.09.2021 22:46:52    ( 102575 )
31.08.2021 12:07:29    ( 102570 )
Zamek na vicko nadrze Ziguliku z roku 1981:

17.08.2021 14:18:09    ( 102565 )
01.07.2021 16:16:05    ( 102557 )
07.05.2021 10:06:50    ( 102541 )
July 2024